Remi the not so Golden-Golden retriever -Chelsea, Mi (Michigan)
Remi the Golden retriever came to training lacking a bit of impulse control along with leash manners. His owner was unable to talk him on enjoyable walks as he made it an absolute nightmare. How owner also wanted Remi to enjoy off leash freedom. Upon speaking with Remi’s owner he was enrolled in our 4 week program which included off leash work along with building a foundation of public manners.
Remi’s owner picked him up each week for is Transition training being delighted each time with Remi’s improvement. He was able to walk like a gentleman on and off leash. Was able to be loose and learned that hanging out with mom was way better than wondering. Remi’s mom was so happy to finally be able to take walks with him without feeling like she had been at a gym for hours.
Chloe the marathon runner -Pewamo Mi (Michigan)
Chloe was rescued by a family that wanted another companion for their other dog. Chloe was perfect in every way but one. She was a a door bolted and long distance runner but her runs she always did alone causing her mom to have to chase after her many times. So they decided that while they are on vacation why not have her only issue resolved. Chloe came for boarding but during her stay we started laying the foundation for her off leash bubble training. Chloe was learning that staying by her owners was fun and lots of cookies came. We practiced with her a lot sending her family many videos of her progress during the week she stayed. We report that Chloe is now waiting patiently at the door and going ousted without a leash. Her parents are be able to give Chloe the freedom she once never had.
A dog named Chill -Dewitt-Lansing Mi (Michigan)
Chillis owners were feeling torn as their nearly rescued puppy was causing more havoc and stress to be around then enjoyment. She was jumping on the kitchen table, knocking the kids down, jumping on furniture and eating the walls. Her mom was less than impressed when she found Chilli happily munching the office wall during a zoom meeting. Chill was enrolled in our 2 week home manners board and train to learn how to have proper house manners. With each visit home Chillis parents could see drastic improvements in her behavior. By the time Chilli went home after her full board and train program she was able to remain calm with visitors coming over, let the kids play without plowing them over, not get in furniture and remain calm in the home. Chill now enjoys long naps on her cot along with walks in the park.
The dog that never looked back Mi (Michigan)
Blue was a typical Siberian Husky that loved to leave his family in the dust never looking back. He would bolt out doors and run! His family was becoming worried something would happen to him so they called us. We immediately told them we could help resolve his lust for adventures. Blue was brought to us and enrolled in a board and train program. With in 2 weeks of participating in our program Blue had a new leash on life or should we say a new freedom of life!
Bella the poodle with selective hearing Jackson, Mi (Michigan)
Bella’s mom brought her for our 3 week training program. She was at that stage in life where her hearing was only on when she found it necessary. Bella soon learned that listening was something she needed to do at all times, no matter what is going on. After leaving our 3 week program she was able to complete her basic obedience in any type of environment with anything going on. Bella walked nicely on a leash, stayed when asked, came when asked and even started her service dog training.
The Rotten Rottie: St. Johns Michigan Board & Train
No, Stop that! Yes, that is what Yoder’s mom was always saying to him. In fact by the time Yoder came to Wilos Wish Dog Training he was pretty sure his name was ” No, Stop that!” But that was all about to change when Yoder was in enrolled in our board and train school!
Yoder’s mom was a very busy person and poor Yoder just loved her so much when she got home that he wanted to jump all over her, he got so excited to go for walks that he wanted to pull her every where, because well you know his mom couldn’t walk fast enough!

Every time someone walked in the door Yoder was jumping on them and bolting out ALL open doors! These things had to to stop!
He also thought that being in the house was play time and that he could be running around, barking, chasing the cat was acceptable.
We immediately set boundaries with Yoder that jumping was not an option. From the day he cam to Wilos Wish Dog Training we encouraged him to sit for everything, sit to be let out of the door, sit to be let in, sit for his food and sitting when asking for attention.
By rewarding him for sitting and ignoring his unwanted behavior of jumping, the jumping started to go away. While encouraging him to sit for what he wanted his door bolting also went away, by teaching a solid sit and re enforcing a sit stay at ALL doors, car doors, house doors and crate doors, Yoder was learning that bolting out doors was no longer an option.
While Yoder was a big teddy bear his massive size was an issue when going on walks, when Yoder wanted to go some where he wanted to go there now!
At Wilos Wish Dog Training we teach ALL dogs no matter what their size is , they need to walk by our side on a loose leash. The way we do that is we become a human post, when the dog goes to pull us on the leash we stop moving forward and freeze! We then walk back wards to get the dog’s attention and to get them back into the the correct position.
Once they are back into position we will reward them and then proceed forward. If the dog starts to tighten up their leash then we again stop become a human post and get the dog’ s attention to the position we want them in. Yoder progressed very nicely with learning to walk on the loose leash.
By the time Yoder’s stay at Wilos Wish Dog Training was over he could now walk on a loose leash, he was not jumping, he had learned we don’t bolt in or out any kind of door and that being calm in the house was expected of him.
Maple the Chocolate Lab: Ionia Michigan
Wanted to share a personal experience we had yesterday! My daughter, Maira, has been working with our dog, Maple, in 4H. Maple has some anger issues with other dogs… 🙂 It is a constant issue during the 4H meetings as she fires-off barking and lunging at the other dogs. It has caused problems both times Maira has shown Maple at the fair.
Maira wants to show Maple at the state competition at MSU this year, so I contacted Lynzie and said we had had enough of Maple’s behavior and would she please help. Lynzie was quick to respond and met us before the next show at the fair to see if we could adjust Maple’s attitude.
Within 5 minutes, Lynzie had Maple ignoring other dogs!!!
I’m not exaggerating.
Then Lynzie taught Maira how to continue working with Maple and in another 5 min Maira could walk Maple right next to any other dog without her firing off! It was amazing! And this not only helped Maple in social situations, but also in her obedience to Maira! Maple became focused on her, understanding who was in charge. 2 hours later, Maira and Maple placed 1st in the Rally competition! Thank you Lynzie!!!
Kristen and Maira VanBeveren
Once killer Labrador now fantastic family companion: Fowler, Michigan
Hershey, O Hershey! Hershey is a 1 1/2 year old chocolate lab that didn’t like dogs, any dogs for that matter! So when her family decided to add another dog to the family they didn’t realize how bad Hershey was! In fact her name was Bad Hershey!
When Hershey’s owners brought home a third addition to the family a little chiweanie Hershey immediately went after the little dog and wanted to KILL him! She did not like the new family member and was letting them know that right from the start.
Hershey’s family also could not take her for walks, she could not go to the family cabin because of her awful behavior. Poor Hershey had to sit at home all alone.
Hershey’s family decided that it was time to get Hershery some help and she was enrolled in to Wilos Wish Dog Training board and train school. They knew that this was their last option to save Hershey.
Once Hershey arrived at Wilos Wish Dog Training her training began immediately. We first worked with her on walking on a loose leash. This is always one of the behaviors we work on first. We need the dog to understand that we are in charge and they need to listen.
Next we addressed one of Hershey’s biggest problems which was getting along with other dogs. We wanted to show her that she did not need to attack other dogs but could be around them peacefully. When doing this we made sure to praise her for acceptable behavior such as just merely hanging out with my dogs, not growling or snarling.
Half way through Hershey’s training she got to go on a field trip to PETSMART. The last time she went into a pet friendly store she dragged her owner across the store, barked and lunged at other dogs. It was so upsetting her owner she had to leave.
Hershey now was able to walk through the store and not bother anything on the shelf, walk calming while I pushed the shopping cart and the best thing of all the cashier said ” wow what a well behaved dog she was!” Now well behaved and Hershey never went in the same sentience.
Hershey is now home and her and her fury friend are best beds and they love to play together. She also gets to go to the family cabin, go for walks off leash and go swimming! Hershey now is Hershey Good Dog and not Hershey Bad Dog!
Is your dog embarrassing you with their behaviors of pulling on the leash or wanting to lunge at other dog’s like Hershey? No worries we can fix that.
Abandoned puppy in Hawaii gets second chance at life: White Lakes, Michigan
Khya looked so sad sitting at the end of her chain, all alone infested with infested with fleas and ticks. Her owners knew right than and there that they needed to take her from that horrible home. That is when it all began, Khyas true personality surfaced.
She was always timid around dogs, they just figured she would grow out of it. So her owners made sure to take her to dog parks, puppy play dates and anything and every where they could to socialize their newly found furry baby. As Khya got older her problems and fears over being around other dogs seemed to improve. She never fully trusted other dogs until she was around them a little bit.
Life when on and her owners and Khya moved back to Michigan, now skip forward a few years and Khyas story really starts to unfold.
Khya’s fear started to turn into aggression towards other dogs and soon she wanted to attack every one and any one she saw. In fact she had attacked a few dogs and now she could not be near or around any dogs.
Her owners where on their last hope of what to do for Khya when they called Wilos Wish Dog Training. She was enrolled in our board and train program and her transformation began.
On her first day here at, Wilos Wish Dog Training, we immediately set rules and boundaries for Khya. We also did not put her in any situation that we knew she couldn’t handle. A key factor in helping a dog like Khya is building their confidence up in situations that they panic. The reason she would lunge at the end of a leash was because she wanted to get to the dog before the dog got her.
On the second day we introduced Khya to a muzzle, this was for her protection, my protection and any dog of mine we had working with her. We started out by having Khya just simply laying or sitting next to a calm dog that would rush or charge her, but also would not be afraid of her.
As Khyas training progressed her muzzle was removed and was allowed to have interaction with other dogs, again ones that were controlled and I knew that could be trusted. Khya’s confidence started to improve and you could see the “anger” towards other dogs leave her body.
Khya now lives happily with her owner and other dog, that she could never play with or be in the same room with.